Monday, March 2, 2009

Time out and time off

My wonderful wife said we should go out to celebrate. In one class I finished with a B. Yes I know it isnt an A but for me that is pretty darn good. My other class I dont have my final graded yet but currently im sitting at .14% away from an A so im locked for at least a B unless I totally bomb the final, which I doubt I did.
So we took the kids out to see a movie. $5 buck movie Coraline. For a moment I will say that the movie wasnt great but it is sort of morbid like Corpses Bride and Night Before Christmas. Seems how it is Tim Burton on all of them it fits. I will say if you pay to see it in the theatre go to the 3D version otherwise the animation is lost a bit without it. The movie scared J'alee a bit so dont take little kids to it. The cashier was fantastic, basically gave us a child drink for free and extra popcorn. We sat down and were waiting for it to start. He came back in and said I noticed how you were sitting and thought you might need this. He handed me a little box of popcorn so we didnt have to pass the bag across one of the kids.
During the movie the other couple there had a kid who kept running around. He was pretty quiet but just kept running around. It wasnt too distracting for us but at the end after the couple left the same cashier guy said I noticed how distracting that could have been so here is tickets to come back and see another movie for free! How cool is that! I love that place. The theatre was really small probably only have 7 rows of five seats on each side of a middle isle. Just fantastic!
We also then took the kids to chuckie cheese. Prices were pretty low there which was a surprise but we had a lot of fun! The kids were all tuckered out when we got home. No nap for them. Jalee came home and fell asleep about 7pm and is still asleep. Baby J woke up and was playing for a few hours, then he ate a lot of food and pretty much just got tired and I held him and read my networking book to him out loud while I studied and he fell asleep within 2 pages.


Rachel Holloway said...

You guys totally deserved to celebrate! Who cares if it wasn't an A--We celebrate no matter what the grade! :) Sounds like such a fun night. And what an awesome experience at that theater! WOW!

Rach said...

I love chuckie cheese! We used to go there when we were little. Jo got a little freaked out in the mouse house place but I loved it! And congrats again on your grades!

B-Blogit said...

I got scared under there as well. Only when the strobe light was going on and off and when my brother was blocking the door.