Thursday, October 30, 2008

Joaquin Phoenix Calls It Quits

One of my favorite actors called it quits last night read here. At a fund raiser for a school for boys started by recently deceesed Paul Newman Joaquin Phoenx said that he is no longer going to appear in films. His last one will be released in March a romantic comedy with Gwenyth Pawltro.
His agent basically said after he filmed Walk the Line it uncovered a deep desire for music. He started writting music. He has paired up with an British producer and is said to be releasing an album sometime soon. He is leaving acting for music.
Guess no one told him it is suppose to be the other way around. Beyonce, Madonna, Queen Latifah, Ice Cube and others have gone music to acting. Not many the other way around.
Mr. Phoenix you will be sorely missed, but I am looking forward to hearing the album. I wouldnt mind a free personally signed copy! I wish you the best!

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