Thursday, March 6, 2008

American Idol Results

If you havent seen it yet dont read!
Well after results show here is the eliminated contestents

Kady Malloy
Luke Manard
A'esha Epperson
Danny Noreigea

I have to say that the first two I would agree with but the other two I dont. It was down to A'esah or Christy Lee Cook and A'esah is the better singer and has shown it. So that isnt right. Danny and Chekeeze. I think that Danny was the better of the two.

Once again America gets it wrong in my opinion. Simon was right that Christy Lee was forgettable. Journey just isnt country. And A'esha despite how doing a Whitney songs she did fabulous and should be judged on her vocals and not by who song the song before.

1 comment:

Rach said...

K so I was sad to see Luke go cause he looks like Orlando Bloom. But he really wasn't the best one there good but not the best. But Danny had to go. Chekeeze is much better than Danny. Plus he is a gay fool. I couldn't stand him. I also agree with Aesah she is way better than some of the other singers. She wasnt my favorite performance though. But I did like the country-ish version of the Journey song.