Monday, January 21, 2008

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Well technically it is now called Human Rights Day instead of the older Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Not sure why they changed it. Im sure Martin Luther wouldnt mind it. And it isnt deretory in anyway to any specific race. But that is really all I have to say about that.

Today is the date we remember what he stood for, rights for all African Americans. The lessons he taught and cause he fought for can be expanded to all humans, hence the name Human Rights Day.

I hope we can all take a minute and reflect back to what it would have been like for women, black and other races not to be able to have the same freedoms and rights that we did. Remember how hard it was for change, just watch Remember the Titans and you can see just how hard it was for change to come.

But because of Martin Luther King Jr., Malcom X, the lady on the bus (who's name has escaped me). They all fought for a better cause. Remember the Founding Fathers and the Continental Army and their families who fought for the cause of freedom for this country in the beginning of its history. What cause are we fighting for and are we treating others like they deserve to be treated? Are we loving our neighbors as the Savior taught was the second great commandment?

It is a good day for introspection on our lives and a chance to do better towards all human beings! Thanks to all the human rights leaders and those who fought and are fighting today. We all can be leaders in our own small way. As James E. Faust taught we dont have to wait around "for some great thing" we can work in our small ways to be a force for change, faith, goodness and human rights. That is a better measurement of success.

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