Sunday, April 8, 2007

Best Movie of 2006

The best movie that I have seen in 2006 hands down has to be Blood Diamond.
The Devil Wears Prada is a pretty close second for me though.

This movie had great acting from Leonardo DiCaprio and Djimond Hounsou. Jennifer Connelly gave her best preformance since A Beautiful Mind. If you are okay with all the curel things that people can do to each other, graphic violence and some language (although significantly less that The Departed).
This movie was much better than The Departed and any other movie that I have seen. It is like Hotel Rwanda but more graphic and more language.


Anonymous said...

I'm afraid that movie will make me not want to have any more jewels anymore if I watch it, but I already read an article about this issue in National Geographic, very sad stuff. Why are people so mean to each other, it never works out good. :(

Anonymous said...

There arent a lot of diamonds that are "conflict diamonds" but it hard to tell which ones are and arent. So we hope for the best I guess when we buy one.
My wife and I dont really like them anyway. She isnt a big jewelry person so it is luck for me I guess.