Friday, March 9, 2007

Recipie Band Wagon

Everyone else has recipies on their blog so I figure I might as well join the band wagon. So here you go these are some guy recipies for you. This is how a guy cooks!

Graham Apple Sauce:
Break up a handful or two of graham crackers in a bowl.
Add two-three large spoonfuls of Apple Sauce
Mix (but not to long)

Another Chicken Cassarole:
put chicken breast into a pan
cover with any kind of cheese
Spread cream of mushroom/chicken on top
Then sprinkle dried stuffing on top.
Bake at 350 for 45 minutes


Anonymous said...

Correction by Blake's mom to the graham cracker treat. Break up a handful or two of graham crackers in a bowl. Add some apple sauce and cinnamon (we like a lot of cinnamon). Stir very lightly and then gently fold in whipped cream or cool whip. Serve and eat immediately. It isn't good later - ask Kira.

Anonymous said...

Funny Blake. I like your recipes, anything fast makes me happy. When I'm cooking I'm not painting. Do you ever check out Jenni's blog? She has my favorite recipes that are just a few ingred. and don't take long. Try the chalupa. MMmmmmmmmm Delish!!

Anonymous said...

Yes Jenni has some good recipies. I dont really have much time to cook anything but if i did i would probably use her recipies.