Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Jenalee's First Hair Cut

Jenalee got her first haircut on Monday. Here is her before picture. She held Mamma's hand the whole time because she was a little scared. It is funny to see the smock they put over you on her, it look huge! They did a really good job though she looks really cute. He curls are more apparent now because he hair isn't so long!


Anonymous said...

so cuuuuuuute!!!

Anonymous said...

Blakie she is so cute. She is so funny the way she wrinkles her nose to pose for pictures she reminds me of someone...I wonder how that could be...

Anonymous said...

Yeah i dont know who that would be. It couldnt be me because i never did that? HA!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, she is adorable!