Thursday, July 14, 2011

Netflix Alternatives for Free

Many people are upset that Netflix keeps raising prices.  This is because it has to.  They have so many customers on such a small network that they will soon find their resources arent sufficient to hold that amount of traffic.  Perhaps they already have found that.  I bet you all have experienced slow downloads and shows that quite right in the middle of the show sometimes during "peak" hours of day/night/weekend.  So the cost goes up to build their network out or find a better solution.

Here are some alternatives that are FREE!!!  These are sources that you also dont have to worry about getting inundated with cookies, spam, porn, malware attacks, viruses, etc.

Xfinity (if you are a customer)
Time Warner
Discovery Channel

On Computer of Flash Friendly device
other channel websites

My particular favorite
AT&T U-verse
Yes you read me right.  If you aren't a customer you can access this website and still view shows and movies.  Here are the best parts.  They offer more shows and movies than Comcast, DishNetwork or DirectTV. Also they broadcast their shows in a higher resolution than Netflix or any other online source that I know of.  It is broadcast over AT&T's fiber optic lines in their network so you will get faster downloads than Netflix.  Only down side is some content is available for subscribers only and the areas that you can get Uverse is limited still.  But you can get a vast amount now and stay tuned there have been so many request to have an online option only I wouldnt be surprised if they provide that sometime in the future.

1 comment:

Katy said...

Blake, what would i do without ya? I'm really glad you wrote up this list of sites... and thanks again for introducing us to ATT... it's a great site!

i'm sorry i've been such a blog slacker! your family is really beautiful and growing! your photos are so fun and great, especially the seahorses... wow!

And congrats again on your beautiful baby... he's just so cute and I love his name! You two make very very cute babies!!