Friday, May 20, 2011

New Addition: Jamison is Here

Well he is here and we are home!  Little Jamison MicRoy Adams.  Mic from one grandpa (Michael) and Roy from a long lasting family name on my side also from my dad (LeRoy).  K went into labor just after I posted that nothing was happening so it was kind of a fake out.  This was about 8am.  Arranged a sitter and were off to the hospital.  About 1:15 she was 6cm and had quite a lot of painful contractions.  She did the honorable thing and got some great relief!  The baby started having d-cells and the were messing around with the baby monitor to see if that would pick up a better heart rate when they decided to lift the blanket and low and behold...there was the bag of water just chillin on the bed unbroken.  Quick check and he was about to crown.  They lifter her legs and he just started to slide out on his own no pushes.  He came out still in the rest of the bag of water and it broke coming out and he just slide out.  Apparently they call this being born in the caul and it happens less than 1% of the time.  Besides being really odd it apparently is an old wives tale that this is a sign of good luck and that the baby will either be a sailor or a midwife.  The luck I will take, but I would rather have him be a midwife than a sailor.

The offer from the midwife was extended and debated for a while but he was crowning so I just made a quick choice.  I took the deal.  They asked me if I wanted gloves and again a delemia came to my mind...mostly I was just still wondering how I would get picture, video and deliver a baby.  Well the head started sliding out so I just and to start helping no gloves.  I got to help turn the baby so the shoulders come out right and I got to catch him, hold him while they did suction and then cut the cord.  IT WAS AWESOMMMEEE!!!!  Coolest thing ever.  I did have to sacrifice no video for it but I am happy with my choice.  I will remember that forever.

Many of you got some pictures by text and/or facebook.  Some of you got phone calls and texts from us.  We apologize if we didnt get to everyone.  So here are some of the pictures.  Sorry but you may see a little bit of baby botty here but not a whole thing so we can keep it BabyG rated.  I tried to cut out everything else.

I have other pictures but blogger isnt loaded them.  There are some of the kids holding them and of Grandma too so I will try loading those again later.  time to go hold my baby!


Alicia said...

Wow! Those are so neat!! Thanks for sharing!!

carolee said...

Great pictures! Congrats on the new addition .So glad all went well with the delivery. :)

Rachel Holloway said...

So happy for you! What a beautiful baby boy--I am so excited for your family and all that this will change. You've got some pretty fantastic adventures in front of you!

Wunda Girl said...

Oh my goodness what an incredible story!!!! That's crazy. and he looks so alert right after being born- what a cute little guy :)

Katy said...

oh you make the most beautiful babies!! i'm so happy for you!

Katy said...

oh and what a cool story... i love reading delivery stories! and you got to catch him... wow, what an awesome day!!!!