Sunday, May 15, 2011

My Pod Pics

I havent taken any pictures lately with my phone since I got rid of the smart phone, but I have a few things from the ipod so I will share those.  Here are two from the kids just around the house.

 This is almost what a typical weekend is like in the early am in my room...a man cant have his own space anywhere..."little kids little kids everywhere you look little kids" (modified from Annie)
 Easter pictures, here are a few eggs the kids dyed.  That is always fun and we made it first year with out a major spill or color issue!
 Girlie girl on the local easter egg hunt.  She had fun and the pig tails are adorable huh?

1 comment:

Small Stones said...

LOOOVE the pictures! Your kids are so dang cute! LovE the pig tails at the Easter Egg hunt! :)