Monday, May 16, 2011

Another Kid in the i-Gen

I think that my son is one of the i-Gen (generation).  Let my son watch toons on the ipad in my bed so I could get a break from the children.  It was quiet for too long and I got to thinking perhaps I should check up on him.  You know how odd those few moments are until you find out what they are up to.  Is it a disaster that I have to clean, marker on the wall, food thrown everywhere, paint all over sisters face, pee all over the bathroom floor, toys clogging the toilet...or whatever.  You all know what Im talking about.

Well I walked in and busted up laughing!  Yes, laughing because this is what I saw...

He is an i-Gen kid!


jackieadams said...

What a boy! I love it. He is the cutest ever.

JAW said...

Lolhe is so cute! Generation I that is funny. It true, there are two year olds that can use my phone better than I can lol

B-Blogit said...

yeah he is a character...he knows how to start his own movies, play games and everything. Im thinking about password protecting it now just so he wont help himself whenever he wants.