Friday, October 16, 2009

Stuff To Do and Motivation Lacking

This morning I woke to a lot of stuff to do and not very much motivation to do it. Guess it isnt much different that any other day. But this morning my mom sent me something that was good to get me motivated and I realized that this morning I was missing something. watch that and see.

It has gotten me motivated to hit the books and internet search to finish my paper to get it over with and then study for finals! Maybe I can finish early!! While I am doing this Baby J insists on watching Little Enstines. I put in the DVD he got from his wonderful and R. He watches one then takes it out and say "mo ra ra" and then points to a movie and says "this, Bolt". Takes the remote and starts to click it! So now he is watching Bolt. Mostly I think he likes it becuase it has a cat, dog and hamster...much like our house.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Oh Manchild - I'm so glad I sent Elder Eyring. It was so good to motivate me too. If it helped with school then I was inspired to share it. Love you!