Sunday, October 25, 2009

Found a Teacher

For a long time now I have struggled with the teaching of many a gospel doctrine classes in church. Teachers and people who seem to always say or teach more than what is doctrine. Sometimes they add in tidbits of fictional pieces of historical fiction books. While up lifting they have their place and it isnt in church. I just have always struggled in classes like this and perhaps I need to be a bit more sympathetic and less prideful. That being said though I appreciate the struggle, effort and willingness of any teacher to teach these classes cus they are stressful and intimidating to do!

I recently was asked by a committee to attend the gospel principles class as an effort to fill the class with more that just more new converts or renewed faithful saints. I waked in the class expecting a bit of a drag. I came into find that the teacher was an oriental man who I knew was a convert of just over a year and had recently just gone to the temple to get sealed with his wife.

This man sometimes struggles with english a little bit, doesnt have the best overall knowledge of the gospel, and isnt a "seasoned" teacher by any means. Sure we ready from the manual a lot but he delivers supplemental and related material and asks poignent questions that inspire thought and understanding. This is then backed with powerful, heartfelt and sincere humbe testimony.

This man and the way he teaches the class combines into one of the best teachers I have ever had for anything! There is such humility, sincerity, faith and even love coming from this man. He truly seeks for the spirit and teaches in such a way that the spirit is conveyed to everyone in the room! It is wonderful! My thanks, praise and prayers are with and for this man to continue what he is doing!

1 comment:

Phil and Cami said...

That's awesome Blake!
I know what you mean about Gospel Doctorine. I find some teacher's add too much outside info and some go so into depth that I don't feel it's appropriate. If you can't discuss it with everyone in the class I don't think it should be there. We have one right now who can often be heard saying, "Those of you who have been to the temple will know what I'm talking about..." He'll then go on to talk about things I'm not sure should be discussed. It makes me uncomfortable. On top of that...sometimes the doctorine is so deep that even those who have been to the temple don't always know what he's talking about! Sometimes I wonder where he learned things because he'll talk about things that I have NEVER heard!
I love the teachers like the one you are describing. My favorite!!!