So as we are on this even tighter budget thing and Im into my own domestication now I decided hey when not burn an arm with some hot oil and make my own sweet and sour chicken. Sure love it when I get it from panda express but then its orange chicken and I didnt have a recipie for that.
So here it is cooked and cut chicken up. I used the george foreman grill which I regret now but it cooks it fast. Then just use corn starch and cover the pieces like shake and bake. Put in 2 tablespoons of oil into pan and head up and then carefully drop the chicken in for a minute or so on each side, basically till they are light brown...not like the picture below. I wasnt fast enough sometimes.
YUM!!!!! That looks awesome!!! Gives me a good idea for tomorrow's dinner, thanks!!
You are turning into a gourmet chef!
seriously, my mouth is watering!
I recommend getting a different sauce than the store bought one that was like Kikkmono or something. It was as sweet as I personally like.
Other than that it works well.
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