Was just wandering down in the periodicals section of a library and thought about snapping a few shots off. Here is what I call Zzzzsearch.

One great thing about libraries is if you like order, neat and lines you got it here! Isnt that nice. I hope you all notice I got section Q for quite, madame librarian....SHHHH!

Here I was honestly working on bloke a bit with my point and shoot. Lets just say this is the best of them all but I wasnt successful and they all were like this or just completely blurry!

Speaking of lines here you go! I think this one is neat though I probably should have taken it from the opposite end of the aisle because it ended right were I took the shot. Would have been nice.
1 comment:
That so reminds me of my days in college. I used to have to get journals and they were bound in red books too. It was like a flashback.
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