Monday, June 29, 2009

Clean and Organize

Today they took the furniture that was rented through the travel company away today. We finally got just about everything we needed "free" through Craigs List. That should save us a pretty good amount each month, very excited about that!

So naturally I took the opportunity to clean and re-organize things. Every room was done and even closets! It has been quite a day. The kids have been great to let me work the whole time. I will probably take them out tomorrow to do something since they were so good and didnt get out today.

The kids are finally used to sleeping in their own beds. I am glad for that. We read 2 stories then scriptures and take turn saying our personal prayers outloud. It has actually been quite fun. 3 prayers said outloud in a matter of minutes can definately bring the spirit around. That is a good way to fall asleep.

Tonight J'alee said her prayers and said "bless everyones heart" and "love everyones heart". Something she has said for quite a while now. "I love you mommy, I love your heart". Its cute and just reminds me of the purity of children. The world would definately be a different place if we all thought and acted like this. I even need the reminder.


Rachel Holloway said...


You and your wife are a great team. I am in awe of both your talents and the ways you fill in around the house.

B-Blogit said...

Even scrubbed stains out of the carpet washed and folded every dirty piece of clothing and refolding everything and put them away organized in a drawer.

That will probably last 1 day for the kids and 3 days for the adults. Also you know your old and out of shape when you are sore the next day! HAHA!

But Rachel H you are amazing how you take care of those kids while your hubby is gone studying and working hard. Im amazed at your creativity and thigns you can accomplish too. Im also amazed that your hubby can do so much with school and still come home and help out and still have time to be with you guys. I think we learn a little from you guys.

Rach said...

How cutie pie! Are you sure that she isn't just saying bless your heart like sarcastic older folks ? :)

Rachel Holloway said...

Awww...Blake. Thanks. That is the nicest thing ever!