Friday, May 15, 2009

How To Set Up a Facebook Page

Here is instructions on how to set up a facebook page. Please dont confuse this with a facebook account. This is what facebook calls a Page. It is like a profile page for your business, cause, group etc.

After you log into your account please click here to go to the Page creation site on facebook. You will be given options on what types of categories your business or group falls under. Choose wisely because if people go searching for pages in this category this is where they will find your page. 3 options to choose from Local, Brand/product/organization, or artist/band/public figure. If you ARENT a national chain of some kind it would be wise to use Local. If you ARE a national chain of some kind pick brand/product. If you happened to be Jed Bush from Florida hoping to high heaven you have some remote chance of election to any federal position choose public figure (please understand my humor in that statement).

I will use the example of a photography business. I will be choosing Local since 99% of my customers most likely would be locally based. Then you have more options to go under. For me I consider photography a professional service so I will choose that. You can review the list and decide what you want for your business. If it is real estate choose that option. If it is for your church choose Religious Center etc.

Next is name of your business or group. I dont need to tell you this one. I will call mine just for fun "B-shot Photos". Just remember my first rule is to make it catchy for people if you dont already have a name in mind. Personally with my web design experience I recommend keeping it to two words unless it is really catchy. Examples Wal-Mart. Ok that is really only 1 but it is two syllables. McDonalds, Radio Shack. You get the point.

Back to the page. Then at the bottom check the box that says you are allowed to create this page and not stealing it from someone else blaa blaa. Then type your name and click the button at the bottom.

After that it takes you right to your page so you can start editing it. On the left under the ? for a picture you can start editing. Remember my next 3 rules are Content Content and Content. It is all about content. Make sure you add enough info to catch interest about the profile of the business. A picture that tells about the business and is interesting or will be remembered. Example the golden arches. We all know what that means and for many of us it instills instant hunger! So you get the idea.

Then you just have to suggest it to people so they will start adding it and once that happens you will be able to see more people add as friends. Past clients, current clients, friends, family get them all on board.

If you liked these instructions please feel free to comment and let me know!

1 comment:

Jacob T Rowe said...

Thanks for your article! I've been a web designer for years but never have gotten into social media until now. I don't find Facebook intuitive in the slightest sense, so your experience helped me out a ton. Thanks!

With your help I created my facebook page here for my blog:
