In thinking about today I think of a song by John Melloncamp "It's Just Another Day". Not much exciting except we got house work done today. The whole family helped, and by that I mean Mom and Dad did 90% of the work and J'alee did 5% and cried doing another 5% because she didnt want to do it.
We attempted to go swimming in the pool but it ended up being too cold for the kids. We brought them back in and straight to a hot bath. Poor Baby J looked like he had a circulation disorder he was so cold. We got him all warmed up and into some warm clothes.
Other than that we had the missionaries over who want to "practice" the discussions. Mostly it is just a 4 week committment to teach you the lessons and then commit you to find a person to teach. That is totally ok with me since we are working with someone already anyway.
But besides those things just another day. Same homework, housework, tending kids, dog responsibilites. Same old head aches and same old duties.
Sometimes those "just another days" are good to have... :) How fun that you could even ATTEMPT to go swimming!!!
Well here we call it SSDD same stuff different day! You have a lot to take care of and I am glad you had some fun!
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