We were at goodwill and literally stumbled over this bike for really cheap. In my head rehearsed what the doctor said at her check up that she ought to be riding a big now. So we got this. We have explained how to use a big wheel before at home but it never really worked out so well. So we explained it again and off we went.
She did pretty good! She didnt need a lot of help only to start going once she gets on or stops. Other than that she is great. She cant do hills yet but hey for 40 minutes on a first bike ride she was awesome! I posted pictures on photobucket and video on the family channel. You can click the links on the side or just watch the video bar and slideshow to see them.
So cute girly on a bike! But where is her helmet?? :)
How cool! I still remember my dad teaching me how to ride a bike. I was so stoked when I finally learned how that I went door-to-door asking my neighbors to come outside and watch me.
Is it ironic or coincidence that I learned to ride a bike in california and now my daughter is too?
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