Friday, March 6, 2009

Commentless Blogs and Solution

If you are like me you love to have comments on your blog. Sometimes it is a little dis hearting to take the tip on the blog and not get comments. I have found a substitute for the comments. It is called FEEDJIT. This basically tracks the public IP address. It is like a zip code is to a city only it isnt as precise. For instance when we were in Lakewood, Colorado we showed up a Denver. If you are in Kaysville or Farmington you may just show up as Salt Lake. You get the idea.

If you add FEEDJIT to your blog it tells you where visitors are coming from. You can notice at the bottom left of my blog I have visitors in Idaho, Utah, California, Oregon, Ohio, Tennessee, Brazil and Mali (by Maylasia). It actually goes into more detail as well. It tells you what page the came to on your blog. For example if you come to my main page with all the posts on it it will show that you came to b-blogit. If you came from a place like Google Reader it say you came to b-blogit:(whatever the title of the post is). The FEEDJIT also tells you where they left to. so if you left my blog to go to Love Boxes it will say left to

The FEEDJIT does show you even when you go to your own blog. To eliminate that you can click on options in the bottom right corner of the FEEDJIT on options and choose ignore my browser. Then every time you take yourself to the blog it wont show it. Remember that it is also browser specific. This means it is specific to Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, etc. So if you are using Internet Explorer and choose to ignore yourself in the above manner and then 10 minutes later you want to go to your blog using Firefox it will track it because it is a different browser. You will have to keep ignoring it for every time you switch browsers, if that is what you want. Not a big deal.
The FEEDJIT also as an addition to it that you can add a map as well of the globe showing you where that city is they were coming from. This is an additional feature.

So in my case this has helped me people still enjoy my blog enough to come to it, even if they dont leave comments. If you stop and think about your friends and loved ones and where they are located you maybe able to tell who it is that came to it. For example we have two computers and my wife frequently uses a different computer than I. So when it shows up San Jose, CA I know that most likely that was my wife coming to the blog to read or to go through a link to someone elses blog.

I will include the code to add this to your blog below. All you have to do is copy it. The go to and under your blog click Layout. then click on Get A Gadget. Scroll down the middle of the page to HTML/Script and choose that. Then in the box paste the code in.

FEEDJIT Codes Here
The far left one is the list that shows city, state and where they came from and left to just like outlined above.
The second one is for the map that just puts a red dot where they were from.

Email/Call me if you need help.


Rachel Holloway said...

I love all your fun tutorials about blogging! You are sharing everything just right! Smartie!!

Jackie said...

Manchild - how do you learn all this fun stuff! Thanks, I will try to absorb all that. In the meantime I just like to look at your cute family at the ocean. Love that one! Cute Crowd!