Of course both of the kids ran right to the water as soon as their shoes and socks were off. A higher tide came in and made Baby J lose his equilibrium and he fell soaking his shirt quite a bit. I picked him up and just let him run around in his diaper for a while while his overalls dried. We collected a nice array of sea shells.
We then drove up Highway 1 which runs right along the coast. The sun started to go down and we stopped in a few places to get pictures along the way. It is a great stretch of road if you ever get a chance to drive down it. There were many different places to pull off to explore.
We found a lot of crabs that were pecked our of their shells and even some shrimp. It may have been a prawn but I'm not sure. I asked King Triton for a sand dollar because I have always wanted one but with no success. We did find a half of one in Santa Cruz though. We did find an old clam with had a pretty thick shell as well and a whole muscle which I promptly came home and boiled to eat. When it popped open I saw what the meat looked like and thought better of partaking and threw it away. Sorry I'm not french!
You can see the complete photos on the photobucket link and I will try and post the videos probably in a day or two on the family youtube channel.
Yea! How fun. I am glad you all had a good time
I love Half Moon Bay. . it's great.
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