So Monday I hit my limit of stress. I am one of those people who just push aside stress rather than coping with it until it builds up and you freak out. My sweetie was nice enough to see that and we worked most of the day in the yard.
Day 1 - weeding, mulching, pruning.
Day 2 - bought ground cover and flowers and planted them
Day 3 - Till the space between the sidewalk and road and till the garden. We also got some strawberries and put them in big planters. We put in a mail box that didnt have a rotted post, rusty and leaky box and put seeds down to grow groundcover plants by it.
It was so great for me to do yard work. I love to do landscaping. I hate weeding but the rest of the part is fun. I honestly thought it wouldnt take as long to do things as it has but it is a reward for sure. I cant wait for the flowers and things to bloom and grow.
The kids were so good. We sat them in the front yard and they didnt even come close to the road or sidewalk. They played in the grass or on the swings and were perfect angels. J'alee helped me put in ground cover and made her own piles of dirt and stuff. She actually found a snail and played with it on her hand for a good half hour before we let it go home.
Thanks to Mike for coming and tilling for us and for neighbors who let J'alee play at their house so long while tilling and doing work but the road. We are planning to plant some veggies in the garden for the first time since the summer we bought the house. I am really looking forward to it cus it is something we can do as a family and it gives us much needed time together!
It's always nice when you can look back at what you have acomplished and feel a sense of pride and ownership.
Thanks to your family for the B-day card to Cole, he enjoyed opening it up.
Aunt Carolyn
Yeah that is the nice part! I get so tired after though im starting to get old. HA! But im happy with the way my yard looks like now for the most part. Still have a few things to do like plant the free trees we got from Arbor Day Foundation and then we are set.
That sounds like a lovely day. As the plants grow they will remind you of the nice day together, the sense of accomplishment and hard work and will give you a great deal of joy. It's wonderful to plant a seed and see if do it's thing. It's a very calming and theraputic to work with plants. We did my parents yard and they are very happy too. You are loved! I wish I could have provided the picnic!
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