Jaden Blake Adams came at 9:13am on Thursday August 2nd! 7 pounds 5 ounces and 20.5 inches. He is a pretty good baby and only is fussy when he wants to eat and even then he is pretty mild.
Kira actually having contractions 3 minutes apart after they first hooked her up to monitors but they were big ones. They stated getting Pit at 1:30am and by 3:00am s

he was having pretty hard contractions. by 6:40am she had her epidural and she was so happy and content. It was much easier than with Jenalee. 7:50am the doctor broke her water and she was dialated to 5 and 90. at 8:50 the doctor was called in and she gave. 9:10am she gave one push and he came out so far she had to stop so the doc could turn him. Well he didnt stop coming she had to move the cord off his neck and foot as he was coming out. He came out with ease!
Thanks to all for their gifts, stopping in, phone calls and support! Mom and baby are well and recovering nicely!
There are more pictures on http://www.snapfish.com/ and the group name is: Adams Family password: 12345 If you dont already have an account you will need to register for one. It is free and you probably can get some free printed pictures out of it too!
Congratulations on baby Jaden! Pit, epidurals, middle of the night, all bring back memories:)
Hey, I cannot get into Snapfish. Do I need to register first?
Sorry yes you will need to register there. It is free and you can get ten free photos to be printed. I think they may charge for shipping or processing if you do that but it is a good way to have free places to save your pictures online.
Thanks Maija Liisa for asking that, i update the original post there as well so others can see it. I will try and get the pictures posted to MyFamily probably tomorrow!
Cutest boy in the world. He is a doll.
okay sorry everyone I guess I have to send invites to the room out. So if you havent gotten one and need one you can email me blake@bkadamsfamily.com and i will send you the link. It should be under hot links on the top right hand side of this blog.
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