Saturday, July 7, 2007

Should I Watch This?

As all of you know I hate Hollywood people who put their uneducated and inapproperate two cents in on political issues at the Academy Awards when what they say is particularly offense.
This movie is directed by Michael Moore, who is the chief among these savage Hollywooders. If I had it my way he would be charged with slandering the President of the U.S. and locked away forever.
As it is I have heard that this is a great film documenting the healthcare crisis that there is in this country and how other countries handle their healthcare.
Post your opinion on the show and feel free to bash Michael Moore, I wont care!

First vote is my wife and she says to watch it.


Anonymous said...

I think you should see it, even if Michael Moore is an idiot. America has a huge health care crisis and it's important to inform yourself of how RIDICULOUS it is to have to pay thousands of dollars for treatments that will save your life. Universal healthcare!

Anonymous said...

No way do not see this. Michael Moore is so anti-American he should move to Cuba where he likes to hang out! There are better ways to educate yourself about the problems with healthcare but this isn't one. Plus you would just be fueling the fire and add to his creepy agenda.